

We share our library for previewing purposes and to promote open access. Please note that if you are required to complete this training for the University of California you must do so through the UC Learning Center. Participation through the links below will not be added to official UC records. For assistance, please contact your LMS Administrator.  If you would like to obtain alternate access to UC Risk & Safety Training Center of Excellence online trainings or videos, please fill out our Accessibility Needs Request Form

If you have trouble accessing or completing a course, please visit our FAQ page

Additional resources can be found on our Courses Resources page.


  • Disaster Preparedness & Zone Crew*

    Disaster Preparedness & Zone Crew

    Length: 26min   Copyright: 2016     Course Code: UCLOL0026
    Anne Widney, Emergency Services Manager, University of California Irvine
    Introduction to the Department Safety Coordinator (DSC) program. Topics include introductions, what is a DSC, tools, registration, meetings, heat illness, and Q&A.



  • UC Ready

    UC Ready

    Length: 30 min    Copyright: 2015     Course Code: UCLOL0030
    Overview of how to manage continuity plans using UC Ready (for Level 2 Administrators). Topics include: Access, Initiate, Develop, Launch, and Report.


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Environmental Health & Safety 

  • EH&S Professional Education

    The EH&S Professional Education program cross-trains UC EH&S staff and safety personnel to expand their knowledge and skills in a variety of EH&S programs applicable to the university setting. Taught by UC subject matter experts, this blended learning experience (consisting of online modules and an in-person workshop) offers an opportunity to earn three certifications:

    1. EH&S Generalist
    2. EH&S Professional
    3. EH&S Specialist 

    Learn More


  • Faculty Needs*

    Faculty Needs

    Robert Emery, DrPH, CHP, CIH, CSP, CBSP, CHMM, CPP, ARM
    University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

    Main university constituencies, how a person becomes a faculty member, what faculty does (how they're measured), common critiques, measures to improve services to faculty. Presented October 5, 2009 during the EH&S Academy to the University of California.



Hazardous Materials

  • Dry Ice Shipping*

    Dry Ice Shipping

    Length: 30 min   Copyright: 2013
    University of California Berkeley

    Overview of shipping dry ice. Topics include: Identification, Classification, Packaging, Marking, Labeling, and Documentation in accordance with International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations.

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    Dry Ice Shipping for UC Health Systems

    Length: 40 min   Copyright: TBD     Course Code: UCLOL0048
    Topics include: General Awareness, Security, Safety and Emergency Response, Function-specific Training for Shippers of Dry Ice, including Identification & Classification, Placarding, Packaging, Markings, Labeling, in accordance with 49 CFR HMR and IATA DGR Section 4.2.

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  • Hazardous Materials Shipping (General Awareness)*

    Hazardous Materials Shipping General Awareness (UCSB)

    Length: 15 min   Copyright: 2021     
    University of California Santa Barbara
    Overview of shipping hazardous materials (General Awareness). Topics include: Regulations, Employers, Security Awareness, Risks, Recognition and Response, Prevention, Procedures, International Shipments, Function Specific training, 9 Classes, Identification & Classification, Placarding, Packaging, Markings, Labeling, Hazard Communication, Emergency Responders, and Self Transport in accordance with 49 CFR HMR, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and the International Air Transportation Association (IATA).

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    Hazardous Materials Shipping (General Awareness)

    Length: 50 min   Copyright: TBD
    Tim Bean, University of California Berkeley

    Overview of shipping hazardous materials (General Awareness). Topics include: Regulations, Employers, Security Awareness, Risks, Recognition and Response, Prevention, Procedures, International Shipments, Function Specific training, 9 Classes, Identification & Classification, Placarding, Packaging, Markings, Labeling, Hazard Communication, Emergency Responders, and Self Transport in accordance with 49 CFR HMR, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and the International Air Transportation Association (IATA).

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  • Hazardous Materials Shipping (Biological)*

    Hazardous Materials Shipping (Biological) for Health Systems

    Length: 25 min   Copyright: TBD     
    Overview of shipping regulated medical waste (General Awareness). Topics include: Regulations, Employers, Security Awareness, Safety and Emergency Response, Function Specific training, Identification & Classification, Packaging, Markings, Labeling, and Documentation in accordance with 49 CFR HMR.

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Medical Center 

  • Aerosol Transmissible Diseases (Healthcare)

    Aerosol Transmissible Diseases (ATD) for Healthcare

    Length: 20 min    Copyright: 2020     Course Code: UCLOL0061
    Overview for healthcare workers of how to work safely where occupational exposure to ATDs may take place. Topics include: characteristics (signs & symptoms), screening methods, control measures (engineering and work practice controls), referral procedures, PPE, reporting exposure & treatment, vaccination, and the ATD Exposure Control Plan (Cal/OSHA 8CCR 5199). Also includes: Respiratory Protection (Cal/OSHA 8CCR 5144), and COVID-19 Interim guidance for hospital workers and respirator supplies

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  • Bloodborne Pathogens Health

    Bloodborne Pathogens for Health Systems

    Length: 45 min   Copyright: 2018     Course Code: UCLOL0039
    Topics include: The Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, Epidemiology & Symptoms, Modes of Transmission, Exposure Control Plan, Needle Stick Prevention, PPE Selection, PPE Decontamination & Disposal, Hepatitis B Vaccination, Emergency Procedures, Exposures, Post Exposure Evaluation & Follow-up, Signs and Labels, Waste Management, and Questions and Answers


    Bloodborne Pathogens for Medical Centers

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    Bloodborne Pathogens for UCLA Health

    Length: 38min  Copyright: 2017     Course Code: UCLOL0035
    Topics include: The Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, Epidemiology & Symptoms, Modes of Transmission, Exposure Control Plan, Needle Stick Prevention, PPE Selection, PPE Decontamination & Disposal, Hepatitis B Vaccination, Emergency Procedures, Exposures, Post Exposure Evaluation & Follow-up, Signs and Labels, Waste Management, and Questions and Answers.

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  • Clinical Laboratory Safety

    Clinical Laboratory Safety 

    Length: 15 min   Copyright: 2022     Course Code: UCLOL0071
    Overview of Clinical Laboratory Safety. Topics include: Lab Hazards, Personal Protective Equipment, Waste Management, Incident Response, and Resources.

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  • Clinical Laser Safety

    Clinical Laser Safety

    Length: 35 min   Copyright: 2023     Course Code: UCLOL0094
    Introduction to working safely with Class 3B or Class 4 lasers in a clinical setting. Topics include: Identification, Hazards, and Controls.

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  • Dry Ice Shipping Health

    Dry Ice Shipping for UC Health Systems

    Length: 40 min   Copyright: TBD     Course Code: UCLOL0048
    Topics include: General Awareness, Security, Safety and Emergency Response, Function-specific Training for Shippers of Dry Ice, including Identification & Classification, Placarding, Packaging, Markings, Labeling, in accordance with 49 CFR HMR and IATA DGR Section 4.2.

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  • Fluoroscopy


    Length: 4 min   Copyright: 2016     Course Code: UCLOL0046
    Overview of safe work with fluoroscopy equipment. Topics include: system and controls, radiation, protection, and California special requirements.


    UCR draft (2011)

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  • Hazardous Drugs

    Hazardous Drugs (USP 800)

    Length: 20 min   Copyright: 2019     Course Code: UCLOL0053

    Overview of Hazardous Drugs awareness in the healthcare setting.  Topics include: Hazardous Drugs Introduction, Policies and Procedures, Hierarchy of Controls, Response to Exposure, Waste Disposal and Spill Response, and Site Specific Information.

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    Hazardous Drugs (USP 800) [UCI]

    Length: 20 min   Copyright: 2020

    Overview of Hazardous Drugs awareness in the healthcare setting.  Topics include: Hazardous Drugs Introduction, Policies and Procedures, Hierarchy of Controls, Response to Exposure, Waste Disposal and Spill Response, and Site Specific Information.

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    Hazardous Drugs (USP 800) for EVS

    Length: 20 min   Copyright: 2020

    Overview of Hazardous Drugs awareness in the healthcare setting for staff in support services such as housekeeping (Environmental Services or Hospitality Services), receiving and transportation who may contact hazardous drugs.  Topics include: Hazardous Drugs Introduction, Policies and Procedures, Hierarchy of Controls, Response to Exposure, Waste Disposal and Spill Response, and Site Specific Information.

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    Hazardous Drugs (USP 800) for Support Services Staff [UC Davis Health]

    Length: 20 min   Copyright: 2020

    Overview of Hazardous Drugs awareness in the healthcare setting for staff in support services such as housekeeping (Environmental Services or Hospitality Services), receiving and transportation who may contact hazardous drugs.  Topics include: Hazardous Drugs Introduction, Policies and Procedures, Hierarchy of Controls, Response to Exposure, Waste Disposal and Spill Response, and Site Specific Information.

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  • Hazardous Waste Management (Pharmaceutical / Hazardous Drugs)

    Hazardous Waste Management (RCRA) 

    Length: 20 min   Copyright: 2018     Course Code: UCLOL0049
    Introduction to proper identification and management of hazardous waste (RCRA), including hazardous drugs, for UC Health. Covers disposal requirements at UCDavis Health. Topics include defining, identifying, categorizing, and segregating RCRA pharmaceutical waste. This course covers 40 CFR 262 "Hazardous waste generator" training for small quantity generators.

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  • Hazardous Waste Shipping (Biomedical)

    Hazardous Waste Shipping (Biomedical waste) 

    Length: 25 min   Copyright: 2018     Course Code: UCLOL0050
    Overview of shipping biomedical waste (or regulated medical waste) for UC Health hazardous materials employees who sign transport manifests. Topics include:  General awareness (hazardous materials identification, markings, classification), safety and emergency response, function-specific (labeling / signage, markings, incident report, segregation, and packing), and security awareness. This course covers 49 CFR 172.704 (subpart H) "Hazardous Materials employee" DOT training for biomedical waste (UN 3791). This course also covers Regulated Medial Waste per California Health & Safety Code 117600-118360, 8 CCR 5193, and 22 CFR 75067-75069.

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  • OR / Perioperative Safety

    OR / Perioperative Safety

    Length: 15 min   Copyright: 2019     Course Code: UCLOL0057
    Overview of staff safety in the OR. Topics include: Environment, ergonomics, equipment, exposure control, and training.

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  • Patient Safety Act

    Patient Safety Act

    Length: 35 min    Copyright: 2019     Course Code: UCLOL0052
    Overview of the Patient Safety Act and the fundamental principles and requirements under the act. Additional topics include: the Patient Safety Evaluation System, Patient Safety Work Product, Patient Safety Activities, and Reporting to a Patient Safety Organization.

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  • Safe Patient Handling

    Safe Patient Handling (2020)

    Length: 20 min   Copyright: 2020    Course Code: UCLOL0015
    ​Overview of Safe Patient Handling (SPH). Topics include: Elements of the UC Health System SPH Program, Risk associated with patient handling activities (injuries, hazards, and body exposure), Roles & Reporting (the RN Coordinator of Care), Controls (injury prevention, selection and use of minimal lift equipment), Communication (with patients and healthcare staff, the right to refuse), and Additional Resources (SPH Plan, Policies, and location specific hazards).

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    Safe Patient Handling (UCSF)

    Length: 20 min   Copyright: 2014
    University of California San Francisco
    ​Overview of Safe Patient Handling (SPH). Topics include: What is SPH?, Background, SPH Programs, and Expectations.

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  • Safe Patient Handling Awareness

    Safe Patient Handling Awareness

    Length: TBD   Copyright: TBD     Course Code: UCLOL0018

    Overview of Safe Patient Handling (SPH). Topics include: What is SPH?, Background, SPH Programs, and Expectations.

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  • Supervisor Safety (UC Health)

    Supervisor Safety (UC Health)


    Length: 25 min     Copyright: 2023     Course Code: UCLOL0077
    Overview of supervisor safety within UC Health organizations. Topics include supervisor roles and responsibilities, hazard mitigation, injury prevention and response, and available resources. This course covers 8 CCR 3203 regarding the Injury and Illness Prevention Program.

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  • Workplace Violence Prevention Health

    Workplace Violence Prevention in Healthcare 

    Length: 25 min   Copyright: 2023     Course Code: UCLOL0033
    Overview how to prevent workplace violence in a healthcare setting. Topics include: Definition, recognition of types, and strategies to avoid workplace violence. This course meets requirements of 8 CCR 3342.
    * Content is the same as 2021.  UCR Health was added and minor bugs fixed.

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    Workplace Violence Prevention in Healthcare (Non-LMS) 

    Length: 25 min   Copyright: 2023
    Overview how to prevent workplace violence in a healthcare setting. Topics include: Definition, recognition of types, and strategies to avoid workplace violence.

    UC Davis HealthView     

    UCLA Health       | View


    Workplace Violence Prevention for EMS

    Length: 25 min   Copyright: 2017     Course Code: UCLOL0040
    Overview how to prevent workplace violence in an Emergency Medical Services healthcare setting. Topics include: Definition, recognition of types, and strategies to avoid workplace violence.

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  • Cesium Irradiator Conference

    January 29-30, 2018 

    The objectives of this conference were to facilitate dialogue between who have experience in using alternative technologies to Cesium irradiators and those who are considering converting to alternative technologies, identify and discuss reliable information, provide an opportunity to talk to x-ray irradiator manufacturers, and develop an understanding of how alternative technologies contribute to the permanent reduction of radiological security risks.

    The sponsors included: the University of California, NTI, and NNSA.  
    Keynote speeches were provided by: Mark Murphy, Keith Jenne, Emily Hopewell, Colin Hill, and Gus Potter.

    View and Download and the presentations 

    For more information, contact Carolyn MacKenzie at

    Conference Information   Agenda   Video   Photos   Flyer

  • Laser Safety

    Clinical Laser Safety

    Length: 35 min   Copyright: 2023     Course Code: UCLOL0094
    Introduction to working safely with Class 3B or Class 4 lasers in a clinical setting. Topics include: Identification, Hazards, and Controls.

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    Laser Safety

    Length:38 min   Copyright: 2016     Course Code: UCLOL0028
    Introduction to working safely with Class 3B or Class 4 lasers. Topics include: Identification, Hazards, and Controls.

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    Laser Safety Refresher

    Length: TBD   Copyright: 2023
    University of California Berkeley

    Laser Safety refresher training. Topics include: The Laser Safety Program, Your Responsibilities, Laser Classifications, Bio-effects, Hazard Evaluation, Control Measures, Medical Surveillance, Laser Accident Case Studies

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  • MRI

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    Campus resources
    Introduction to working safely with MRI's. Topics include: hazards, magnetic fields, risks, access control, equipment allowed, screening forms, contraindications, patient care, emergencies, and magnet quench.

    For more information, contact your campus Radiation Safety Officer.

  • Radiation Safety

    Radiation Safety

    Length:2 hours   Copyright: TBD
    Introduction to sources of radiation, radiation exposure limits, risk evaluation and safety precautions. Overview of hazards related to working with radioactive materials. Topics include: Radiation hazards, Exposure control, and Personal protective equipment (PPE). The following courses are available.

    1. Radiation Safety for Radioactive Materials     (Course Code: UCLOL0021)  
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    2. Radiation Safety for Radiation Producing Machines     (Course Code: UCLOL0020)
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    3. Radiation Safety for Radioactive Materials AND Radiation Producing Machines     (Course Code: UCLOL0022)
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    For more information review the objectives for each course.

  • Radiation Safety Refresher

    Radiation Safety Refresher

    Length: 30min   Copyright: 2016
    Review of safe use of radioactive materials. Topics include: Sealed source handling and contamination control, incident response, and radiation producing machines.

    1. Radiation Safety Refresher for Radioactive Materials     (Course Code: UCLOL0031)

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    2. Radiation Safety Refresher for Radiation Producing Machines     (Course Code: UCLOL0032)

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  • X-Ray*

    X-Ray Safety (RPM)

    Length: 30min    Copyright: 2015
    Introduction to safe use of radiation producing machines. Topics include: Characteristics, Controls, and Response.

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  • Export Controls

    Export Controls

    Length: 40 min   Copyright: 2021     Course Code: UCLOL0063
    Overview of export controls. Topics include: Regulations, Fundamental Research Exclusion, Risks (Shipping, Biological agents, ITAR-work, International collaborations, and International travel), and Location export control resources. 

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  • Institutional Review Board

    IRB Clinical/Biomed

    Length: 1 hour & 35 min   Copyright: 2016
    Cindy Gates, JD, RN, CIP, Outreach & Education Office
    University of California Davis

    Overview of drugs, biologics, INDS, treatment use Sponsor and INvestigator Records. Topics include: 21 CFR 312, IND exemptions, Sponsor responsibilities, records and reports; Investigator responsibilities, records, and reports; and treatment use.


  • Restricted Party Screening

    Restricted Party Screening

    Length: 20 min  Copyright: 2021     Course Code: UCLOL0066
    Overview of the importance and requirements of restricted party screening. Topics include overview (define restricted party screening, understand the importance), responsibilities (identify risks, recognize who is responsible for RPS), requirements (follow RPS requirements, use RPS tools, and escalate, as necessary), and location resources. 

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  • Research Security

    Research Security

    Length: 20 min     Copyright: 2022     Course Code: UCLOL0068
    Overview of research security topics, including disclosures, talent recruitment programs, international collaborations, and data security.

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    Disclosures: Conflicts of Interest & Conflict of Commitments
    Conflicts of interest (COI) and Conflict of commitments (COC); what to disclose; how to disclose; foreign talent programs, and resources.
    (Length: 4 min 35 seconds)

    Talent Recruitment Programs
    Overview of talent recruitment programs, how to recognize talent recruitment programs, risks, reporting requirements, and resources.
    (Length: 3 min 50 seconds)

    International Collaborations
    Basics of export control, restricted party screening, fundamental research exclusion, risks & considerations, and resources.
    (Length: 3 min 50 seconds)
    Also available in eLearning format (Export Controls | Restricted Party Screening)

    Data Security
    Transfer of materials, ideas, or information; data security, international travel, export control considerations, and resources.
    (Length: 3 min 20 seconds)

    Foreign Influence Website (Ethics, Compliance and Audit Services, UCOP)
    Research Security Training Resources (Risk & Safety Training)

Risk Management 

  • Abuse Prevention

    Abuse Prevention (minors) for Volunteers

    Length: 15 min   Copyright: 2022     Course Code: UCLOL0069

    Overview of abuse prevention information for university personnel. Topics include: review of reporting expectations, recognizing conduct that must be reported, how to report, and using support strategies.

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  • Academic Personnel

    Introduction to Academic Personnel

    Length: 15 min   Copyright: 2023     Course Code: TBD

    This certificate series is targeted for those who wish to gain a working knowledge of academic personnel. The series will emphasize participants’ responsibility to think critically and to solve problems using appropriate policies and resources. The format includes lecture and interactive case scenarios. Participants who complete all courses in the series will receive a certificate of completion.  



    Academic Employee Relations

    Length: 25 min   Copyright: 2023     Course Code: TBD

    This certificate series is targeted for those who wish to gain a working knowledge of academic personnel. The series will emphasize participants’ responsibility to think critically and to solve problems using appropriate policies and resources. This module provides you with an overview of Academic Employee Relations and some basic tools and resources so that you are able to assist your academic leadership and/or department chair in problem-solving when academic employee relations issues arise.


  • CANRA Mandated Reporter

    CANRA Mandated Reporter (UC)

    Length: 15 min   Copyright: 2022     Course Code: UCLOL0065

    Overview of The California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (“CANRA”): Mandated Reporter. Topics include: Overview of CANRA, Responsibilities of a mandated reporter, How to report, and Resources at each location.

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    CANRA Mandated Reporter (Spanish)

    Length: 15 min   Copyright: 2022     Course Code: UCLOL0065

    Overview of The California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (“CANRA”): Mandated Reporter. Topics include: Overview of CANRA, Responsibilities of a mandated reporter, How to report, and Resources at each location.

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    CANRA Mandated Reporter (UC Health)

    Length: 15 min   Copyright: 2021

    Overview of The California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (“CANRA”): Mandated Reporter. Topics include: Overview of CANRA, Responsibilities of a mandated reporter, How to report, and Resources at each location.

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    English (PDF)
    Spanish (PDF)

    English (PDF, HTML)
    Spanish (PDF)

    English (PDF)

    Acknowledgement (HTML)

  • Changing Safety Culture using the Power of Data

    Changing Safety Culture Using the Power of Data

    Length: 1 hour      Copyright: 2015
    Janette de la Rosa Ducut, Ed.D., Cassandra Greenawalt, ​and Russell Vernon, Ph.D.
    Overview of the importance of data in creating an impetus for positive change. Topics include: Metrics (explore ways of demonstrating accountability) and Presentation (present technical data so that it's palatable). Presented during Risk Summit 2015 conference in Oakland, CA, sponsored by University of California Office of the President.

    Presented during the Risk Summit 2015 conference, University of California, Oakland. CA. 


  • Clery Act

    Clery Act Training for Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) 2022

    Length: 18 min   Copyright: 2021 (UPDATE)     Course Code: UCLOL0062
    Overview of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, commonly known as the Clery Act. Addresses the statute, in addition to requirements of the University and the Campus Security Authority (CSA).  This course covers requirements of University of California policy. Topics include Clery Act requirements, CSA responsibilities, reporting obligations, Clery crimes and Clery geography, and campus resources.

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    Clery Act (Campus Resources)

  • Concussion

    Concussion Safety

    Length: 25 min   Copyright: 2017     Course Code: UCLOL0037
    Introduction to concussion safety. Topics include facts about concussions and how to: recognize, remove, and report participants experiencing concussions, describe the Return to Play Protocol, recognize and reduce risk of concussions, and distinguish between types of concussion tests.

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  • Disability - Faculty accommodations in the classroom

    Disability, accommodation, and access in the classroom

    University of California Berkeley

    Length: 60 min   Copyright: 2021
    Overview of Reasonable Accommodations and the Interactive Process for faculty. Topics include: Disability history and values, disability law in higher education, course design for accessibility, DSP, Faculty, and the accommodation process, questions and answers for faculty, and disability compliance.

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  • Disability - Staff reasonable accommodations

    Reasonable Accommodations

    Length: 60 min   Copyright: 2018     Course Code: UCLOL0041
    Overview of Reasonable Accommodations and the Interactive Process for employees. Topics include: legal responsibilities, disability issues, communication, resources, privacy issues, steps to the Interactive Process, and follow-up

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  • Ethics


    Length: 30 min   Copyright: 2020     Course Code: 

    View   Test

    The UC Office of Ethics, Compliance and Audit (ECAS) has developed a General Compliance Briefing, and all campuses have been asked to implement this online course to ensure that employees are aware of the University’s standards related to Ethical Values and Conduct. 

    To get credit for this training, 1. View the course, and 2. Complete the test.

  • RDMS

    Risk Services Data Management System (RDMS)

    Copyright: 2020
    The Risk Services Data Management System (RDMS) is a systemwide reporting and analytics platform. The application aims to equip systemwide UC staff with data to help them make informed decisions to reduce the overall cost and impact of risk by bringing together multiple data streams from all UC campuses and external partners. The goal of the RDMS is to connect and share event reports, patient experience feedback, and employee injury data for improved reporting, analysis, and forecasting.

    Target audience: UC leaders, members of Risk Management, Workers’ Compensation managers, Environmental Health & Safety leaders, Patient Safety, Quality, Patient Relations/Experience, and other internal reviewers of specific data maintained within the system


  • Risk Summit

    Risk Summit 2021

    Length: 45 min  Copyright: 2021

    Another Zoom? Stop being boring!

    Do your participants think meetings are boring? Most do, which leads to a lack of participation and learning. To combat this we will share cutting-edge techniques to engage people and enhance the virtual experience. This includes using polling, breakout rooms, active learning techniques, simulations, and interactive activities during online events. Conducting a training, presentation, or meeting via zoom? We got you! Our team will share tips on how to make your sessions interactive so you can help combat zoom fatigue. Presented by Janette de la Rosa Ducut, Ed.D., My-Linh Tran, M.Ed. Cand., Cassandra Greenawalt, MS, RDN, and Heather Davis Russell.


    Risk Summit 2012

    Length: 9 hours & 30 min   Copyright: 2012


  • SVSH Prevention

    Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (SVSH) Prevention

    Length: 60 min Copyright: 2023 Course Code: UCLOL0100

    Overview of how to prevent sexual violence and sexual harassment in the University of California. Topics include: Recognition, Prevention, Response, and Resources. This course meets requirements of 2 CCR 11024, California Government Code 12950.1, AB 1825/2053, 34 CFR 668.46 Violence Against Women Act, and UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment, Abusive Conduct, and Anti-Discrimination. This course contains sensitive content that include sexual violence. If you find that you need an alternate activity to meet this requirement, please contact your location Title IX Officer.

    Specifications: 1 hour minimum, refresher: every 2 years.

    View Request

    These training materials are provided for review purposes only.
    Please note that if you are required to complete this training for the University of California you must do so through the UC Learning Center.
  • SVSH Prevention (supervisors)

    Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (SVSH) Prevention for supervisors

    Length: 60 min Copyright: 2024 Course Code: UCLOL0100Supervisors

    Overview of how to prevent sexual violence and sexual harassment in the University of California. Topics include: Recognition, Prevention, Response, and Resources. This course meets requirements of 2 CCR 11024, California Government Code 12950.1, AB 1825/2053, 34 CFR 668.46 Violence Against Women Act, and UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment, Abusive Conduct, and Anti-Discrimination. This course contains sensitive content that include sexual violence. If you find that you need an alternate activity to meet this requirement, please contact your location Title IX Officer.

    Specifications: 2 hour minimum, refresher: every 2 years.

    View Request

    These training materials are provided for review purposes only.
    Please note that if you are required to complete this training for the University of California you must do so through the UC Learning Center.
  • SVSH Prevention (students)

    Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (SVSH) Prevention

    Length: TBD min Copyright: 2024 Course Code: UCLOL0100Students

    Overview of how to prevent sexual violence and sexual harassment in the University of California. Topics include: Recognition, Prevention, Response, and Resources. This course meets requirements of California Education Code 66281.8 & 67385.7, AB 2683/2608, 34 CFR 668.46 Violence Against Women Act, and UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment, and Anti-Discrimination. This course contains sensitive content that include sexual violence. If you find that you need an alternate activity to meet this requirement, please contact your location Title IX Officer.

    Specifications: refresher every 1 year.

    View Request

    These training materials are provided for review purposes only.
    Please note that if you are required to complete this training for the University of California you must do so through the campus learning management system.
  • SVSH Boundaries

    SVSH Professional Boundaries

    Praesidium Academy
    Length: 50 min   Copyright: 2019      Course Code: UCLOL0067

    Overview of Maintaining Professional Boundaries in Healthcare Organizations. Topics include establishing professional boundaries, understanding boundary violations, building better boundaries, creating a culture of safety,  and responding to red flags and boundary violations.

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    SVSH Boundaries Awareness

    Length: 20 min    Copyright: 2022     Course Code: UCLOL0074
    Overview of Campus Health Professional Boundary Training for Student Health Services (SHS) and Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). Topics include defining professional boundaries and boundary violations, establishing safety culture, responding to boundary violations, and reporting procedures.

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  • SVSH Prevention for Athletics (UCLA)

    SVSH Prevention (UCLA)

    Length: 42min   Copyright: 2022
    University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
    Candi N. Smiley (she, her), Deputy Title IX Director

    Overview of how to prevent sexual violence and sexual harassment in the University of California. Topics include What is Title IX, responsible employee, how to report, what to share, prohibited conduct, scenarios, overview of the process, and resources. Password is required to view this training. For more information contact

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  • Sexual Harassment Prevention in the Field

    Sexual Harassment Prevention in the Field

    Copyright: 2020

    Fieldwork is an important and often necessary component of many scientific disciplines, yet research suggests that it presents a high-risk setting for incidents of sexual harassment and assault. This 90-minute online workshop has been developed by a team of field researchers at UC Santa Cruz. It identifies the unique risks posed by fieldwork and offers a suite of evidence-based tools for field researchers, instructors, and students to prevent, intervene in, and respond to sexual harassment and assault. Through a series of practical intervention scenarios, this workshop guides participants on how to be an active and engaged bystander, how to report incidents, and how to plan field settings to minimize risk. Armed with these tools, participants can play a role in ensuring that field settings are safer, more equitable, and more welcoming for the next generation of field scientists.


  • UC Abroad

    UC Abroad

    Length: 20 min   Copyright: 2018     Course Code: UCLOL0043
    Overview of traveler safety for faculty, staff, and non-UCEAP students traveling abroad. Topics include: Planning, Safety, Health, and International Security.  
    ** If you need credit for taking this course, please access it on your campus Learning Management System.

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    UCEAP Online Travel Course

    Length: 60 min    Copyright: 2015
    Overview of traveler safety for UCEAP students ONLY.




    Length: 30 min   Copyright: 2021     Course Code: UCSHIP

    Overview of student representative’s role in the UCSHIP Student Health Insurance Plan. Topics include: Executive Oversight Board, shared governance, decision making process, student representative, and health insurance 101..

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  • Active Shooter

    Active Shooter

    UC Office of the President
    Length: 13 min   Copyright: 2018     Course Code: UCLOL0044

    Active Shooter Video

    Overview of how to respond to an active shooter. Topics include: What is an active shooter?, R.A.I.N. technique, and What to expect during an incident

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    Active Shooter

    UC Riverside
    Length: 13 min   Copyright: 2016

    Overview of how to respond to an active shooter. Topics include: What is an active shooter?, R.A.I.N. technique, and What to expect during an incident.

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Environmental Health

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19)
    On April 21, 2022 Cal/OSHA approved the 3rd COVID-19 prevention re-adoption documents. Many resources on this website were updated to reflect the changes. For more reference, refer to the Guidance section of the Coronavirus resources webpage.


    COVID-19 Prevention (2023)

    Length: 15 min    Copyright: 2023 Course Code: UCLOL0060

    Overview of preventing COVID-19. Topics include: What to expect, responsibilities, and Coronavirus prevention/precaution. This course covers requirements of Cal/OSHA 8 CCR 3205 and University of California policy. NOTE: If you cannot access a computer, refer to the Instructor-Led training materials.

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    Coronavirus resources

    Collection of training resources below from the University of California and other universities in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Please note, the content on this site is provided for general information purposes only. Guidance provided here exists as draft material that your campus or location can access, edit, and repurpose for your educational and training needs. The webpage will be updated as more resources become available.


  • Food Safety*

    Food Safety

    Length: 30 min   Copyright: 2018     Course Code: UCLOL0051
    University of California Riverside
    Introduction to Food Safety. Topics include: Foodborne Illness, (safe) Food Handling practices, Temperatures, and Sanitation.


    Dining Services Food Safety UCR (2016)
    Food Safety - Spanish UCR (2017)

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    Food Safety Spanish

    Length: 18 min   Copyright: 2017
    University of California Riverside

    Introduction to Food Safety - Spanish. Topics include: Foodborne Illness, (safe) Food Handling practices, Temperatures, and Sanitation

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    Food Handler Safety Basics (UCB)

    Length: TBD   Copyright: 2023
    University of California Berkeley

    Introduction to food handler safety. Topics include: Introduction, Hygiene, Contaminants, TCS Foods, Cleaning and Sanitizing, Conclusion

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  • Monkeypox


    Monkeypox resources

    Collection of training resources below from the University of California and other universities in response to the Monkeypox outbreak. Please note, the content on this site is provided for general information purposes only. Guidance provided here exists as draft material that your campus or location can access, edit, and repurpose for your educational and training needs. The webpage will be updated as more resources become available.


  • Q fever

    Q Fever (UCD)

    Length: 15 min   Copyright: 2023     
    Required information related to Q fever for individuals working with sheep, goats, or cattle. Topics include: Epidemiology of Q-fever, risk factors, signs and symptoms in sheep and humans, enrollment in the mandatory medical surveillance program, personal protective equipment (PPE), and the UCD sheep quarantine and exclusion policy.

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Fire & Life Safety 

  • Chemical Management: Maximum Allowable Quantities (MAQ)

    Chemical Management: Maximum Allowable Quantities (MAQ)

    Copyright: 2024
    Senior Leadership at The University of California Office of the President (UCOP) convened the Maximum Allowable Quantities (MAQ) Chemical Task Force to evaluate the current MAQ status at each location, develop solutions and pathways to compliance, and create educational resources. Guidance provided here exists as draft material that your campus or location can access, edit, and repurpose for your educational and training needs. This webpage will be updated as more resources become available.


  • Fire Extinguisher*

    Fire Extinguishers

    Length: 5 min   Copyright: 2012
    University of California Riverside

    Introduction to use of a portable fire extinguisher. Topics include: Common Types of Fires, and PASS (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep) technique. 
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    Fire Extinguishers Spanish

    Length: 5 min   Copyright: 2012
    University of California Riverside

    Introduction to use of a portable fire extinguisher. Topics include: Common Types of Fires, and PASS (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep) technique. 


    Fire Extinguishers for Labs

    Length: 10 min   Copyright: 2019
    University of California Berkeley

    Introduction to use of a portable fire extinguisher. Topics include: Common Types of Fires, and PASS (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep) technique. 

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    Fire Extinguisher Inspection

    Length: 10 min   Copyright: 2020
    University of California Berkeley

    Introduction to use of a portable fire extinguisher. Topics include: Common Types of Fires, and PASS (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep) technique. 

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  • Fire and Life Safety*

    Fire and Life Safety for Residence Halls

    Length: 15 min   Copyright: 2017     Course Code: UCLOL0034
    University of California Berkeley
    Overview of fire safety for Housing Residence Halls staff. Topics include: Fire Prevention, Fire Protection, (what to do) In case of Fire, and Fire Extinguishers.

    Housing Services Fire & Life Safety (UCSF) 2017

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  • Fire & Life Safety Training UCSF

    Fire & Life Safety Training UCSF

    Length: 15 min   Copyright: 2018
    Overview of fire safety for staff who perform fire watch, hot work, or floor warden duties (not applicable to residence halls or housing staff). Topics include: Fire Prevention, Fire Protection, (what to do) In case of Fire, and Fire Extinguishers.

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  • Flammable Transfers*

    Flammable Transfers

    Brent Cooley, University of California Santa Cruz
    CSHEMA Presentation 2017

    Please click the Download button to access the Flammable Transfers Training files.


  • Pyrophorics*

    Pyrophoric Liquid Safety

    Length: 11 min

    University of California, San Diego
    Working with Pyrophoric Reagents: Getting Ready
    Length: 5 min

    How to Handle Pyrophoric Reagents
    Length: 7 min

    Handling Pyrophoric Materials
    Length: 20 min

Laboratory & Research Safety 

  • Aerosol Transmissible Diseases

    Aerosol Transmissible Diseases for Researchers

    Length: 10 minutes   Copyright: 2020

    This course complies with CalOSHA Title 8, Section 5199 ATD training requirements and is generally useful for researchers using aerosolizing procedures in their work. The course covers:

    • Transmission risk from small particles or droplets containing aerosol transmissible pathogens
    • Identification of work requiring aerosol safety procedures
    • Use of controls to reduce risk of exposure to aerosol transmissible pathogens and disposal of waste
    • Response to an aerosol transmissible pathogen exposure

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    Aerosol Transmissible Diseases
    Coronavirus for Custodial Prevention and Control

    Length: 15 min   Copyright: 2020
    University of California San Diego
    Overview of safe prevention and control techniques for custodial staff when working around Coronavirus. Topics include: disinfectant and proper cleaning time, cleaning levels for locations, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), determining locations and surfaces, and waste removal & disposal.

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    Aerosol Transmissible Diseases

    Length: 20 min Copyright: 2012
    University of California Riverside

    Overview of how to work safely with aerosol transmissible diseases. Topics include: characteristics, agents, high hazard procedures, waste disposal procedures, exposure incidents, medical treatment and exposure.


    Aerosol Transmissible Diseases

    Length: 20 min Copyright: 2012
    University of California Irvine

    Overview of how to work safely with aerosol transmissible diseases. Topics include: characteristics, agents, high hazard procedures, waste disposal procedures, exposure incidents, medical treatment and exposure.

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    Decontamination & Disposal: COVID-19 (USC)

  • Autoclave

    Autoclave Safety

    Length: 30 minutes   Copyright: 2022
    University of California, Santa Cruz

    This course provides researchers the general principles of autoclave use and safety when sterilizing equipment, media, or waste. Additional, in-person, training on the specific unit(s) to be used MUST be provided by facilities staff or qualified lab personnel before operating equipment.  

    Topics Covered:

    • User Responsibilities
    • Mechanism of Sterilization
    • Risks of Using Autoclaves
    • Autoclave Compatibility/Incompatibility
    • Sterilization Parameters (e.g. Autoclave Cycle Types)
    • Packaging Autoclave Loads
    • Secondary Container for All Items
    • Personal Protective Equipment
    • Logging and Verifying Autoclave Runs
    • Loading and Unloading Autoclaves



  • Bloodborne Pathogens

    Bloodborne Pathogens

    Length: 38 min   Copyright: 2010     Course Code: UCLOL0016
    Introduction to safe use of biohazardous materials. Topics include: The Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, Epidemiology & Symptoms, Modes of Transmission, Exposure Control Plan, Tasks & Activities, Methods of Compliance, PPE Selection, PPE Decontamination & Disposal, Hepatitis B Vaccination, Emergency Procedures, Exposures, Post Exposure Evaluation & Follow-up, Signs and Labels, Waste Management, and Questions and Answers.

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    Bloodborne Pathogens Course Resources
    Bloodborne Pathogens (UCD)
    Bloodborne Pathogens (UCLA) 2015
    Bloodborne Pathogens (UCSB) 2010 Student Health
    Bloodborne Pathogens (UCLAMC) 2017

  • Carcinogen

    Carcinogen Training

    Length: 30 min   Copyright: 202_
    University of California San Francisco

    Overview of how to minimize exposure when working with carcinogens. Topics include: definitions, types of carcinogens, Globally Harmonized System (GHS), routes of exposure, spill and first aid response, and disposal.

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  • Chemical Hygiene Officer

    Chemical Hygiene Officer

    Length: 40 min   Copyright: 2010     Course Code: UCLOL0004-UC-TOP
    Overview of the safe use of hazardous chemicals (flammables/combustibles, corrosives, reactives, and toxins). Topics include: Standards, Hazards and Controls, and Exposure.

    CO-REQUISITE: Laboratory Safety Orientation

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  • Chemical Spill Response and Cleanup

    Chemical Spill Response and Cleanup

    Length: 3 min   Copyright: 2012
    Overview of how University workers can respond to a hazardous chemical spill. Topics include: Personal protective equipment (PPE), Reference (Chemical Hygiene Plan and/or MSDS), Spill Kits, Decontamination, Disposal, and Documentation on a Hazardous Waste Label. For more information, visit

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  • Controlled Substances

    Controlled Substances

    Length: 40 min   Copyright: 2016     Course Code: UCLOL0001 
    Introduction to secure use of controlled substances. Topics include: Introduction, CSUA, Storage site controls and security, Orders / Delivery / Receipt, Use Logs and Biennial Inventory, Transfers / Imports / Exports, Disposal, Diversion and Loss Reporting, and Illicit Activities and Repercussions.

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  • Cryogen

    Cryogen Safety

    Length: 25 min   Copyright: 2022     Course Code: UCLOL0073 

    Overview of safe use of cryogens. Topics include: overview (identify common types and uses), equipment (choose and safely use appropriate equipment and tools), procedures (use safe work practices to handle cryogens: how to connect, fill, disconnect, and transport dewars), incident response (respond in the event of a spill or injury), and resources. 

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    Liquid Nitrogen transfer videos (5 total)

    Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
    UC Berkeley
    UC Davis 
    UC Irvine
    UC Merced
    UC Riverside
    UC San Diego
    UC San Francisco
    UC Santa Barbara
    UC Santa Cruz

    Job Aids
    Dispensing Cryogens (PPE, Use, Common Issues, Notify EH&S)

    Cryogen Safety

    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

    Length: 20 min   Copyright: 2002

    Overview of safe use of cryogens. Course based on content provided by Northwestern University and LBNL.  Topics include: hazards, personal protective equipment, lessons learned, first aid, transportation & shipping, filling Dewards, and transport rules.

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    Cryogen Safety

    University of California Berkeley

    Length: 20 min   Copyright: 2019     

    Instructors: Phil Broughton and Chad Southard 
    Introduction to practical use of cryogenic materials. Topics include: Common cryogens, hazards, dewars, BLEVE, and personal protective equipment. Presentation shared during EH&S Professional Workshop (UCB).

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    Cryogen Safety

    University of California Riverside

    Length: 20 min   Copyright: 2019     

    Instructors: Perry Cheung, Mark Heiden, Stephen Jones
    Overview of safe use of cryogens (including liquid nitrogen). Training session held during the Graduate Student Safety Orientation symposium on 09/24/2019.

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    Compressed Gas Safety

    University of California Riverside | Airgas

    Length: 10 min   Copyright: 2019     

    Instructors: Perry Cheung, Mark Heiden, Stephen Jones
    Overview of safe use of compressed gas. Training session held during the Graduate Student Safety Orientation symposium on 09/24/2019. For more information, review the AirGas presentation. See also the Compressed Gas Safety video from Airgas (used for "prework" before hands-on training event).

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    Training materials can be downloaded / accessed by each campus contacts for STEW and LMS Administrator.

  • Flame Resistant Gloves

    Flame Resistant Gloves

    Length: 4 min   Copyright: 2016     Course Code: UCLOL0029
    Overview of how to protect your hands when working with pyrophorics or water reactives. Topics include: hazards, personal protective equipment (PPE) required, flame resistant inner gloves (when to use, what to use or selection, how to properly don / doff / adjust / wear, limitations, proper care, maintenance, & useful life), and engineering & administrative controls.


    Flame Resistant Glove [Video]
    Flame Resistant Glove Liner infographic (UCB)
    Flame Resistant Glove training slide preview (UCB) 1 min
    Flame Resistant Glove Liner training​ (UCLA) 

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  • Fume Hood Safety

    Fume Hood Safety

    Length: 4 min   Copyright: 2013
    Introduction to basic operation and airflow of a common fume hood. Topics include: containment, airflow, sash placement, and alarm response.

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  • Hazard Communication

    Hazard Communication

    Length: 35 min   Copyright: 2019     Course Code: UCLOL0012
    Introduction to chemical safety. Topics include: Regulations, Hazard Identification, Control Measures, Exposures, Reference, and Roles / Rights / Responsibilities.

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  • Hazard Recognition & Control

    Hazard Recognition and Control

    Length: 5 min   Copyright: 2016
    Introduction to identification and mitigation.

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  • Hydrofluoric Acid*

    Hydrofluoric Acid

    Length: 6 min   Copyright: 2013
    Introduction to safe use of Hydrofluoric Acid (HF). Topics include: health hazards, written documents (SOPs, SDSs, CHP), emergency equipment, chemical spill kits, approvals and authorizations, signs and labels, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), safe work practices, and disposal.

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  • Laboratory Safety Awareness

    Laboratory Safety Awareness for Support Personnel

    Length: 40 min   Copyright: 2010     Course Code: UCLOL0014
    Introduction to laboratory safety for support personnel. Topics include: Clothing & PPE, hazards (physical, chemical, radiological, biological, laser, animal), signs and warnings, magnets, access restrictions, work practices, security, emergency procedures, reporting, and fire safety.


    Laboratory Safety for Facilities & Contractors (UCSB) guide
    Laboratory Safety for Facilities and anyone in labs (UCR)

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  • Laboratory Safety Fundamentals

    Laboratory Safety Fundamentals 2022

    Length: 2 hours 35 minutes   Copyright: 2022  Course Code: UCLOL0045
    Introduction to Laboratory Safety Fundamentals.  Topics include: analyzing hazards, controlling exposure and minimizing risk, and vigilance in the laboratory. If you have a physical disability, please access the video recording.  This course meets requirements of 8 CCR 3203, 3380,  3220, 5164, 5191, 6151, 40 CFR 262, and UC policy.

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    Laboratory Safety Fundamentals (2018) | Video Recording

    Laboratory Safety Fundamentals 2012

    Length: 4 hours   Copyright: 2012
    Introduction to the fundamentals of laboratory safety, chemical safety, and general safety. Topics include: Signs & Labels, Hygiene and Health Habits, Protective clothing and equipment, Work practices, Emergencies, Storage and Handling, Hazard and Risk Assessment, Policies and Procedures, Authorizations, Roles / Rights / Responsibilities, Hazard identification, Control measures, Exposures, Chemical Hygiene Plans (CHP), References, Injury & Illness Prevention, Emergency Procedures, and Physical hazards. This course covers relevant campus Laboratory Safety Manual(s) and rights/responsibilities according to applicable regulations (Reference: 8 CCR 3320, 3221, 3380, 5110, 6151, 5154, 5164, 5191, 5194, 3203, 3380-3387), meets the requirements of the UC Regents Agreement, and covers UC Policies (Laboratory Safety and Management HSE).

    COREQUISITE: This course does not qualify you to work with biohazardous materials, radiation, lasers, or hazardous waste. You must take additional training to work with those substances. 

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  • Laboratory Safety Refresher

    Laboratory Safety Refresher

    Length: 30 min   Copyright: 2015     Course Code: UCLOL0019
    Review of the fundamentals of laboratory safety. Topics include: Rights and responsibilities, Safety culture, Hazard identification and protections, Engineering controls, Administrative controls, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Safety day to day, Exposure awareness, and Emergencies.


    Laboratory Safety Refresher (UCD)
    Laboratory Safety Refresher (UCR)
    Laboratory Safety Refresher (UCSB)

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  • Plant Biosafety

    Plant Biosafety

    Length: 4 hours  Copyright: 2015
    M. Malendia Maccree (University of California ANR) provides an overview of Plant Biosafety for IBC members. Training content and lecture are intended for biosafety professionals and IBC members who are reviewing BUAs. This presentation is not intended to educate researchers in requirements for plant containment or regulatory compliance. Topics include: risk assessment, modes of action, anatomical features and reproductive strategics, risk minimization practices, and resources. Though efforts have been made to assure accuracy of information, always consult the appropriate regulatory body for definitive interpretation. The regulatory agency is always the final authority to consult for regulatory questions.


  • Pyrophorics


    Pyrophoric Liquid Safety

    Length: 11 min

    University of California, San Diego
    Working with Pyrophoric Reagents: Getting Ready
    Length: 5 min

    How to Handle Pyrophoric Reagents
    Length: 7 min

    Handling Pyrophoric Materials
    Length: 20 min

    Flame Resistant Gloves

    Length: 4 min   Copyright: 2016
    Overview of how to protect your hands when working with pyrophorics or water reactives. Topics include: hazards, personal protective equipment (PPE) required, flame resistant inner gloves (when to use, what to use or selection, how to properly don / doff / adjust / wear, limitations, proper care, maintenance, & useful life), and engineering & administrative controls.

    Flame Resistant Glove [Video]
    Flame Resistant Glove Liner infographic (UCB)
    Flame Resistant Glove training slide preview (UCB) 1 min
    Flame Resistant Glove Liner training​ (UCLA) 

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    Flame Resistant Laboratory Coat

    Length: 5 min   Copyright: 2013
    Overview of safe use of Flame Resistant laboratory coats. Topics include Fit, Don and Use, Limitations, Doff / Store / Maintenance, and Disposal.



Occupational Safety & Industrial Hygiene 

  • Back Safety

    Back Safety

    Length: 30 min   Copyright: 2018     Course Code: UCLOL0047
    Introduction to back safety and safe lifting techniques. Topics include: Mechanism of back injury, Power posture(s), Rules for sitting safely, Principles of safe work technique (lifting, pushing/pulling, & transferring), and identifying safe & unsafe work technique

    Back Injury Prevention & Manual Material Handling (UCI)
    Back Safety Videos

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    Back Safety UCOP

    Length: 20 min   Copyright: 2012
    Introduction to back safety and safe lifting techniques. Topics include: anatomy, cumulative trauma, principles of safe work, load, twisting, weight, and safe material handling. Scenarios, tips for safe lifting, healthy habits, and injury reporting are discussed.

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  • Bloodborne Pathogens Awareness

    Bloodborne Pathogens Awareness

    Length: 11 min   Copyright: 2019     Course Code: UCLOL0054
    Overview of safe work practices around bloodborne pathogens for non-research staff. Topics include: Standard, Epidemiology and Symptoms, Employer’s Exposure Control Plan, Methods of Compliance, Decontamination and Disposal, Personal Protective Equipment, Emergencies, Hepatitis B Vaccination, Exposure Incident, Post-Exposure Evaluation and Follow-Up, and Signs and Labels.

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    Decontamination & Disposal: COVID-19 (USC)

  • Earthquake Safety

    Earthquake Safety

    Length: 3 min   Copyright: 2018
    The Great California Shakeout
    On October 18, 2018 at 10:18 am, the University of California, along with various organizations, will participate in The Great California Shakout.  This is an opportunity for businesses, schools, and individuals to prepare and practice for a major earthquake.  It will also allow organizations to test and practice other aspects of their emergency plan.


    Secure Your Space Checklist
    Home Disaster Kit Checklist
    The Great California Shakeout


  • Electrical Safety*

    Electrical Safety (General)

    Length: 60 min   Copyright: 2019
    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    General electrical safety. Topics include : Electrical cord safety, NRTL-listed devices, "High-Current" devices & safe use, extension cord safety, Non-QEWs electrical safety, "Tripped" breakers, and Electrical shock incident response. 
    This course was designed by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory / EHS Training and is being used with permission. 

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  • Electrical Safety Lecture

    Electrical Safety 2017

    Length: 2 hours   Copyright: 2017
    Jim Gilson, P.E., CPCC
    Senior Safety Engineer
    University of California Berkeley
    Introduction to electrical safety (for non-electrical workers). Topics include: What everyone at UC should know, basic electrical theory, power distribution in your home/office/facility, polarized and 3-prong plugs, cords and power-strips, hazards, physical effects from different kinds of electric shock, arc flash / arc blasts, safe work habits, design of safe areas, selection of electrical equipment in labs and offices, static electricity, inductive electricity, stored electricity (capacitors and batteries), safety in the work area, codes, electrical systems (e.g., North America, EU, Great Britain), energy isolation, and where to get more information.


    Electrical Safety 2015

    Length: 1 hour 40min   Copyright: 2015

    Jim Gilson, P.E., CPCC
    Senior Safety Engineer, University of California Berkeley
    Center of Excellence in Safety and Risk Engineering, UC System

    University of California Berkeley

    Introduction to electrical safety (for non-electrical workers). Topics include: What everyone at UC should know, basic electrical theory, power distribution in your home/office/facility, polarized and 3-prong plugs, cords and power-strips, hazards, physical effects from different kinds of electric shock, arc flash / arc blasts, safe work habits, design of safe areas, selection of electrical equipment in labs and offices, static electricity, inductive electricity, stored electricity (capacitors and batteries), safety in the work area, codes, electrical systems (e.g., North America, EU, Great Britain), energy isolation, and where to get more information.


  • Ergonomics

    Ergonomics Assessment and Training (EAT)

    Length: 10min    Copyright: 2023      Course Code: UCLOL0077
    Introduction videos to basic principles of ergonomics. 
    Topics include: 

    • Overview  (Course Code: UCLOL0078)
    • Seating: Chair fit  (Course Code: UCLOL0079)
    • Seating: Feet and leg placement  (Course Code: UCLOL0080)
    • Seating: Back rest   (Course Code: UCLOL0081)
    • Seating: Arm rest and support   (Course Code: UCLOL0082)
    • Keyboard   (Course Code: UCLOL0083)
    • Mouse: Wrist   (Course Code: UCLOL0084)
    • Monitors: Head and neck position   (Course Code: UCLOL0085)
    • Monitors: Height and position   (Course Code: UCLOL0086)
    • Accessories   (Course Code: UCLOL0087)
    • Environment   (Course Code: UCLOL0088)
    • Laptop Use   (Course Code: UCLOL0089)  
    • Hoteling/Shared Space Use   (Course Code: UCLOL0090)  
    • Mobile Technology: Tablets and Smart Phones   (Course Code: UCLOL0091)  
    • Reach Zones   (Course Code: UCLOL0092)  
    • Work Station on Wheels (WOW carts)   (Course Code: UCLOL0093)  
    • Ergonomic – Assessment and Training (Course Code: UCLOL0077) (eLearning version)

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  • Ergonomics for Dining

    Ergonomics for Dining 

    Length: 10 min      Copyright: 2019     Course Code: UCLOL0055
    Overview of ergonomics for Dining Staff. Topics include: Food preparation, Transportation, and Material Handling.

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    Food Preparation
    Length: 2 min

    Length: 2 min

    Material Handling
    Length: 2 min

  • Hazard Communication

    Hazard Communication

    Length: 35 min   Copyright: 2013     Course Code: UCLOL0012
    Introduction to chemical safety. Topics include: Regulations, Hazard Identification, Control Measures, Exposures, Reference, and Roles / Rights / Responsibilities.

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  • Heat Illness

    Heat Illness

    Length: 25min   Copyright: 2024     Course Code: UCLOL0025
    Overview of heat illness prevention for outdoor workers. Topics include: Heat Illness Signs & Symptoms, Prevention, Procedures, Response, and Supervisor Responsibilities.

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  • Lift Gate

    Lift Gate

    Length: 30min    Copyright: 2021
    UC San Diego

    Introduction to Lift Gate Safety. This review covers generic 'safe practices' when using and maintaining liftgates.  Topics Include:  safety alert symbol, example safety decal, typical components, basic safety rules, safe operation, loads, dock loading procedure, repair and maintenance, in transit storage, warning, and safety video.
    This training was developed in Articulate RISE.  For access, please contact

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  • Lockout/Tagout


    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

    Copyright: 2023

    Overview of how to safely lockout and/or tagout eqiupment.




    University of California Berkeley

    Length: 48 min   Copyright: 2016 
    Jim Gilson, P.E., CPCC, Senior Safety Engineer, University of California Berkeley
    Center of Excellence in Safety and Risk Engineering, UC System

    Introduction to energy isolation. Topics include: What lockout/tagout applies to, research equipment & SOPs, methods, and when lockout/tagout applies.


    Advanced Electrical Safety & Lockout/Tagout (UCI) 2016



  • Motorized Cart

    Length: 25 min    Copyright: 2017     Course Code: UCLOL0036
    Overview of safe operating techniques for motorized carts. Topics include: Inspection, Preparation, Driving, Parking, and Reporting.

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    Length: 02:37 min    Copyright: 2019
    Safe Gem Cart use is demonstrated on the Berkeley campus.

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  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

    Personal Protective Equipment

    Length: 13 min  Copyright: 2012
    Overview of protective clothing and equipment for the body, eye and face, hands, and feet. Topics include: When PPE is necessary; What PPE is necessary; Proper don, doff, adjustment, and wearing of PPE; Limitations of PPE; and Proper care, maintenance, useful life, and disposal of PPE. [Reference: 8 CCR 3380]

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  • Pesticide Employee Safety Training (PEST)

    Pesticide Employee Safety Training (2025)


    Length: 45 min.     Course Code: UCLOL0076A

    Introduction to safe use of pesticides. Topics include: Labels, protective measures, personal protective equipment (PPE), engineering controls, pesticide definition (forms), hazard recognition, routes of exposure, signs & symptoms, decontamination, safety data sheets, hazard communication, medical supervision, exposure incidents (first aid & emergency, medical care), heat illness, safety, restricted materials & research, environmental hazards, field posting signs, restricted entry intervals (REIs), pesticide handling (containers), human hazards, reporting violations, reporting violations, UC policy, prevention, and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) principles. This course meets requirements of DPR (3 CCR 6467 "Fieldworker," 3 CCR 6724 "Handler") and UC policy on Integrated Pest Management. 

    Co-requisites: Heat Illness, Hazard Communication.

    This course is a pre-requisite to the PEST workshop for Handlers and Supervisors.

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    Pesticide Employee Safety Training (2025)


    Length: 16 hours    Course Code: UCLOL0076B

    Overview of safe use of pesticides for Handlers and Supervisors. Handler include: Labels, safety data sheets (SDS), IPM policy, spill cleanup, mixing & loading, storage, moving, & disposal, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), laws & regulations (medical supervision, restricted use, safety rules, heat illness), hazards & illnesses, prevention, PPE, routes of exposure, calibrating & spraying, first aid & emergencies, pest management requirements (certifications & licensing), IPM program, Pesticide Use Authorization (PUA) software, and case studies. Management topics include: Inspections, IPM policy, PPE, training, planning, emergency response, records & reports, hazardous materials management, certifications & licenses, fieldworker safety, and PUA software for supervisors. This course covers UC policy on Integrated Pest Management (IPM), and DPR requirements (3 CCR 6724, 3 CCR 6764). PRE-REQUISITES: PEST online, Hazard Communication, Heat Illness.

    • Handler training. This course meets Part 2 of 2 courses required to meet DPR requirements (3 CCR 6724, 3 CCR 6764) 


  • Respiratory Protection

    N-95 Respirator Voluntary Use

    Length: 10 min     Course Code: UCLOL0058
    Overview of voluntary N-95 Respirator Use. Topics include: How to put on N-95 Respirators, proper use and maintenance, required use, voluntary use, and limitations. Based on Cal/OSHA's regulation for worker use of respirators (Title 8 CCR.5144). 

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  • Rigging


    Length: 1 hour & 2 ,min   Copyright: 2016

    Overview of the history of the counterweight arbor from Vienna to Minnesota in 122 years, and the front loading arbor. Topics include: The evolution of the counterweight arbor from the centre pole arbor in Vienna in 1888 to the double rod arbor in NYC in 1905 to the front loading arbor in Winona, MN in 2010; and An examination of the features and benefits of loading a counterweight arbor from the front, with special attention to convenience, ergonomics and safety.


    R.W. (Rick) Boychuck 
    Grid Well Inc.
    (507) 205-4753 Office | (416) 560-1730 Mobile
    89 Woodington Ave | Toronto  ON  M4C 3J7 | Canada

    Rick Boychuk is the author of Nobody Looks Up: The History of the Counterweight Rigging System: 1500 to 1925.


    Front-loading arbor, enhanced safety & ergonomics 
    Compare the rod arbor and front-loading arbor (video)


  • Safety Orientation

    UC Safety Orientation

    Length: 60 min   Copyright: 2018     Course Code: UCLOL0042
    Overview of safety fundamentals, injury & illness prevention, and emergencies for all faculty, staff, and students. Topics include: Hazard identification (physical and chemical), Control Measures (including Personal Protective Equipment), Risk Assessment, Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP), Emergency Procedures (Emergency Action Plan (EAP), Emergency Preparedness & Response, Emergency Equipment, and Earthquakes), Fire Safety (Fire Prevention Plan, Fire Extinguishers), and Campus-Specific Safety Resources (Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S), IIPP, Hazard Report, Emergency Procedures, Accidents & Injuries. This course covers relevant Cal/OSHA regulations (Reference: 8 CCR 3380, 3203, 3220, 3221, and 6151).

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    Safety Orientation UCOP

    Length: 30 min   Copyright: 2015     Course Code: UCLOL0023
    Overview of safety fundamentals all UCOP locations. Topics include: Why Safety?, Safety Plan, Hazards, Ergonomics, Working Responsibly, Emergencies, Preparedness, Safety & Security, Safety Partners, and Injuries.

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    Safety Orientation UCR

    Length: 40 min   Copyright: 2013
    Overview of safety fundamentals, injury & illness prevention, and emergencies for all faculty, staff, and students. Topics include: Hazard identification (physical and chemical), Control Measures (including Personal Protective Equipment), Risk Management (ISEM), Injury & Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP), Safety Resources, Hazard Report, Accidents & Injuries (Injuries & Medical Treatment, Incident Report), Emergency Procedures (Emergency Action Plan (EAP), Emergency Communications, Emergency Equipment, Emergency Assembly Areas, Emergency Preparedness and Response)), Fire & Life Safety (Fire Prevention Plan, Fire Extinguishers), and Earthquake Safety. This course covers relevant UC Policy on Management of HSE, UCR Campus Policy 425-58, and Cal/OSHA regulations (Reference: 8 CCR 3380, 3203, 3220, 3221, and 6151) if completed after 05/01/13.

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  • Shop Safety

    Shop Safety

    Length: 15 min   Copyright: 2015     Course Code: UCLOL0024
    Introduction to the fundamentals of shop safety. Topics include: Roles & responsibilities, ISEM, Hazards, and safe Work practices. For more information, refer to the UC Shop Safety Manual and UC Shop Hazard Assessment and Resource Kit (SHARK).

    Shop Safety Manual

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  • Supervisor Safety

    Supervisor Safety

    Length: 35 min   Copyright: 2013     Course Code: UCLOL0013
    Introduction to safety leadership, accountability, hazard assessments, training, inspections, accidents, hazardous materials and equipment, and resources for supervisors. Topics include: Who is a supervisor?, Safety Culture, Roles and responsibilities, Legal Liability requirements, Performance management, Hazard identification, Risk assessment, Control measures, Effectiveness checks, Training types and records, Safety Communications, Inspection checklists and corrective actions, agency inspections, Accident prevention, Accident response, Accident Investigations (including root cause analysis), Guidelines / Authorizations / Permits, written documents and other helpful tools. This course covers relevant UC Policy on Management of HSE, Cal/OSHA regulations (Reference: 8 CCR 340, 3203, 3341, 3380), and both federal and state laws.

    Supervisor Resources

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  • Valley Fever*

    Valley Fever  (UC Agricultural & Natural Resources)

    Length: 30min    Copyright: 2016 
    UC Agricultural & Natural Resources 
     Introduction to Valley Fever.

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  • Wildfire Smoke

    Wildfire Smoke Protection

    Length: 10 min     Course Code: UCLOL0064
    This information is based on Cal/OSHA Appendix B to Section 5141.1. The standard is applicable when the Air Quality Index for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is 151 or greater. It applies to employees who work outside or in non-filtered buildings and/or vehicles for more than one hour per shift. 

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  • Hazardous Waste Management

    Hazardous Waste Management

    Length: 20 min   Copyright: 2019     Course Code: UCLOL0056
    Introduction to proper determination and management of hazardous waste. Topics include labeling, storing, treating, and disposal of hazardous waste. Discussion includes physically hazardous, chemical, biohazardous, radioactive, and mixed waste. This course covers 40 CFR 262 "Hazardous waste generator" training for small quantity generators in research laboratories.

    Hazardous Waste Management (UCR) 2009 (* Enable Flash to view the course)

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  • Hazardous Waste Manifest

    Hazardous Waste Manifest


    Length: 20 min   Copyright: 2022     Course Code: UCLOL0070
    Introduction to filling out the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest (EPA Form 8700-22). Topics include overview of general awareness for hazardous waste management, labeling and storage of such wastes, a review of necessary documentation, and an outline of security procedures for the transportation of hazardous waste. This course covers 40 CFR 262 and 49 CFR 172.704 (subpart H) hazardous materials employee training for small quantity generators.

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  • AIR Smoke & Tobacco Free

    AIR Smoke & Tobacco Free Training 

    Length: 15min   Copyright: 2017     Course Code: UCLOL0017
    Overview of how to Approach, Inform, and Refer (AIR); tips for talking with on-campus smokers and tobacco users. Topics include: policy/compliance/resources, AIR, role playing, and supervisor information. Objectives include a basic understanding of the "AIR" approach, suggestions and tools on how to approach and communicate with a smoker, and opportunities for practicing these strategies.

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    AIR Smoke and Tobacco Free Videos

    Length: 14 videos   Copyright: 2014
    Please enter the information below and click submit to view additional videos on this topic.



  • Alliant

    Certificate of Insurance Request Portal

    Copyright: 2022

    Overview of how to use the Alliant portal to generate certificates of insurance.  Topics include: request, review, and approve certificates.


  • California State University

    Heat Illness

    Length: 22 min   Copyright: 2017
    Overview of heat illness prevention for outdoor workers. Topics include: Heat Illness Signs & Symptoms, Prevention, Procedures, Response, and Supervisor Responsibilities.

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    Laboratory Safety Fundamentals for CSU 2018

    Length: 2 hours 35 min   Copyright: 2018
    Introduction to Laboratory Safety Fundamentals.  Topics include: analyzing hazards, controlling exposure and minimizing risk, and vigilance in the laboratory.

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  • Praesidium

    Athlete Protection (Part 1)

    Praesidium Academy
    Length: 20 min   Copyright: 2022
    Overview of how you can keep your athletes safe from abuse. Topics include: types of abuse and the effects, scope and effects of abuse in sports, how to maintain a healthy coach-athlete relationship, types of offenders and how they operate, and high risk situations and how to eliminate them.

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    Athlete Protection (Part 2)

    Praesidium Academy
    Length: 20 min   Copyright: 2022
    Overview of how you can keep your athletes safe from abuse. Topics include: why people report abuse, how to take action if you suspect abuse, and how to protect yourself from false allegations.

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    Athlete Protection Swim (Part 1)

    Praesidium Academy
    Length: 20 min   Copyright: 2022
    Overview of how you can keep your swim athletes safe from abuse. Topics include: types of abuse and the effects, types of offenders and how they operate, scope and effects of abuse in sports and how to maintain a healthy coach-athlete relationship, and high-risk situations and how to eliminate them.

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    Athlete Protection Swim (Part 2)

    Praesidium Academy
    Length: 20 min   Copyright: 2022
    Overview of how you can keep your swim athletes safe from abuse. Topics include: why people don't report abuse, how to take action against abuse, and how to protect yourself from false allegations.

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    Keeping Your Day Camp Safe

    Praesidium Academy
    Length: 20 min   Copyright: 2022
    Overview of maintaining a safe day camp environment for youth. Topics include: potential risks of day camps, best practices for maintaining a safe environment, and how to respond to suspected abuse or neglect.

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    Keeping Your Higher Education Program Safe

    Praesidium Academy
    Length: 15 min   Copyright: 2022

    Overview of maintaining a safe environment in youth-serving higher education programs. Topics include: setting and maintaining professional boundaries, identifying high-risk situations, and responding to or reporting inappropriate behaviors.

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    Keeping Your Overnight Camp Safe

    Praesidium Academy
    Length: 20 min   Copyright: 2022

    Overview of maintaining a safe overnight camp environment for youth. Topics include: potential risks of overnight camps, best practices for maintaining a safe environment, and how to respond to suspected abuse or neglect.

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    Keeping Your School Safe

    Praesidium Academy
    Length: 20 min   Copyright: 2022

    Overview of how you can keep your school safe from child abuse. Topics include: who abuses children at schools, when and where abuse is most likely to occur in a school, four steps you can take to keep children safe, and how to protect yourself from false allegations of abuse.

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    Social Media Safety

    Praesidium Academy
    Length: 20 min   Copyright: 2022

    Overview of social media safety in youth-serving higher education programs. Topics include: Identify risks of using social media and other forms of electronic communication, policies and best practices governing the use of social media and electronic communication, educating youths and parents about online safety, and responding appropriately to improper and illegal use of social media/electronic communication.

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  • Safety Training Consortium

    Aerosol Transmissible Diseases for Researchers

    Length: 10 min   Copyright: 2020

    This course complies with CalOSHA Title 8, Section 5199 ATD training requirements and is generally useful for researchers using aerosolizing procedures in their work. The course covers:

    • Transmission risk from small particles or droplets containing aerosol transmissible pathogens
    • Identification of work requiring aerosol safety procedures
    • Use of controls to reduce risk of exposure to aerosol transmissible pathogens and disposal of waste
    • Response to an aerosol transmissible pathogen exposure

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    Length: 1 hour   Copyright: 2021

    Introduction to safe practices for handling biological agents. This course is required prior to working with recombinant or synthetic DNA, infectious materials, infectious animals, human clinical samples and other research-related projects that require BSL-2 or an enhanced BSL-2 containment.  This course covers: 

    • The risk assessment process
    • Biosafety levels and their best practices
    • Engineering and administrative controls, as well Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    • Disinfection methods and biohazardous waste disposal
    • Accidental spill and exposure response
    • Shipping and transporting biological materials

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    Formaldehyde Safety

    Length: 1 hour   Copyright: 2024

    Overview of safe use of formaldehyde for lab workers in wet labs and animal facilities performing chemical or pathology work. Topics include: hazards, exposure symptoms, risk mitigation, hierarchy of controls, spills, and emergency response. This course complies with 8 CCR 5217. 

    For additional information, contact Alisha Klatt (



    Laboratory Reactor Pressure Vessels

    Length: TBD  Copyright: 2023



    Laboratory Safety Culture

    Length: 1 hour   Copyright: 2015
    Craig Merlic, Executive Director of the UC Center for Laboratory Safety
    Improving Laboratory Safety and the Culture of Safety in Academic Laboratories.


    Laboratory Safety Fundamentals Mandarin

    Length: 2 hours 35 minutes    Copyright: 2017
    Safety Training Consortium 

    Introduction to Laboratory Safety Fundamentals.  Topics include: introduction to laboratory safety, creating a safe work environment, analyzing hazards, controlling exposure and minimizing risk, and vigilance in the laboratory.  
    This course is divided into 5 parts and concludes with a final test.  Please be sure to complete all sections for full completion of this course.
    Voice over and captions in Mandarin

    Part 1: Introduction to Laboratory Safety
    Part 2: Creating a Safe Work Environment
    Part 3: Analyzing Hazards
    Part 4: Controlling Exposures and Minimizing Risk
    Part 5: Vigilance in the Laboratory
    Final Test

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    Laser Safety

    Length: TBD  Copyright: 2023



    Personal Protective Equipment

    Length: 20 min  Copyright: 2023

    This course complies with OSHA Title 29, Part 1910, Subpart I Personal Protective Equipment Requirements and with Cal/OSHA Title 8 §3380: Personal Protective Device. The course is generally useful for researchers in wet labs, animal facilities, and workshops.

    This course covers:

    • How to select the proper attire for work in a laboratory
    • The benefits, limits, and proper care for eye and face protection, lab coats and gloves
    • Proper don, doff, adjustment, and wearing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    • Considerations for chemically resistant glove selection
    • And the institutional and personal obligations for PPE

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    Principle Investigator (PI) Responsibilities

    Length: 15 min  Copyright: 2017    Course Code: UCLOL0038
    Safety Training Consortium

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    Radiation Safety

    Length: TBD  Copyright: 2023   

    Module 1: View
    Module 2: View
    Module 3: View
    Module 4: View
    Module 5: View


    Waste Anesthetic Gas (WAG)

    Length: 15 min   Copyright: 2020

    Topics include: risks associated with anesthetic gases, setup of a waste gas scavenging system; best practices for animal procedures involving anesthetic gas, waste disposal, and emergency response.

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  • Skillsoft


    In August 2015 we obtained a three year contract with SkillSoft for access to their entire library of Environment, Safety & Health, and Transportation courses. This allows access to critical training, while enabling the University to transition to its proprietary and customized UC catalog.  This contract has been extended until August 2022.  Courses are available in English and Spanish.

    View over 156 courses in within the topics: Workplace Health, Safety and Security, Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response, Environmental, Transportation - Safe Driving, Federal Motor Carrier Safety, Hazardous Materials Transportation by Road or Air, Dangerous Goods Shipment by Sea, Security 


    Each UC can request that the course be made available through their campus UC Learning Center. Please make sure to "View" the courses first, before submitting your request. This helps avoid loading courses into the learning management system that you aren't sure will be used.

  • University of California Riverside

    University of California Riverside

    Access a collection of training resources in a variety of EH&S topics from the University of California, Riverside. Please note that, accessing training from this website will not update your official training transcript. If you are required to complete this training for your UC location, you must complete the course through the UC Learning Center. 
