Wildfire Smoke Protection Training
The University has measures in place to inform you of, and protect you from, the dangers of inhaling wildfire smoke. To complete Wildfire Smoke Training: Review the information provided in the handout below. Sign & Submit the roster to Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) or training@ucr.edu; and take the test to receive credit. Also, please let us know what you think. Complete the training evaluation.
This information is based on Cal/OSHA Appendix B to Section 5141.1. The standard is applicable when the Air Quality Index for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is 151 or greater. It applies to employees who work outside or in non-filtered buildings and/or vehicles for more than one hour per shift.
View the Standard
Cal/OSHA Standard 8 CCR 5141.1 | View in Spanish
Mandatory Training Requirements (Appendix B)

Locate your Local AQI
Local / Low-Cost PM2.5 Sensor Maps

Do not allow facial hair to come between your face and the respirator.
Learn more about N95 Respirators
N-95 Use (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Putting on 3M N95 Respirators (SingHealth)
Proper Wearing of N95 Filter Respirators (Kimberly Clark)
Fitting Instructions for Smartstrap Respirators (Moldex Hearing & Respiratory)
Facial Hairstyles and Filtering Facepiece Respirators (CDC)
View Additional Resources
Wildfire Smoke and Air Quality Task Force Report (to University of California President, Janet Napolitano)
Protection from Wildfire Smoke (UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, EH&S)
Indoor Air Filtration (Environmental Protection Agency)
Worker Safety and Health in Wildfire Regions (Cal/OSHA)
Considerations for California's Public Health Officials (CDPH)