Cannabis Summit
Cannabis Summit
March 13, 2018
UC Davis | University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources -
Cesium Irradiator Conference
Cesium Irradiator Conference
January 29-30, 2018
The objectives of this conference were to facilitate dialogue between who have experience in using alternative technologies to Cesium irradiators and those who are considering converting to alternative technologies, identify and discuss reliable information, provide an opportunity to talk to x-ray irradiator manufacturers, and develop an understanding of how alternative technologies contribute to the permanent reduction of radiological security risks.
The sponsors included: the University of California, NTI, and NNSA.
Keynote speeches were provided by: Mark Murphy, Keith Jenne, Emily Hopewell, Colin Hill, and Gus Potter.View and Download and the presentations
For more information, contact Carolyn MacKenzie at cjmackenzie@berkeley.eduConference Information Agenda Video Photos Flyer -
Defense Counsel
Defense Counsel Orientation
October 25, 2019
Irvine, CADefense Panel Orientation for the UC Regents Southern California attorneys. Topics include: Introduction to UC Regents, Handling EPL cases for the University, and Defense Counsel Guidelines & Reporting.
For more information, contact Greer Gustavson.
- Welcome and Introductions (Kevin Confetti)
Length: 4 min 32 sec - Representing the University as a Client (Margaret Wu)
Length: 17 min 35 sec - Unlocking the Mystery Behind the UC Liability Programs (Kevin Confetti)
Length: 32 min 18 sec - Introduction to the Employment Practices Liability Program: Meeting Client Expectations (Valerie C. Shelton & Harpreet Chahal)
Length: 58 min 02 sec - Free Speech and Civil Rights on Campus (Howard Gillman)
Length: 49 min 27 sec - Working with UC: Building Partnerships (Stephen Ronk)
Length: 35 min 08 sec
Defense Counsel Symposium
January 24-25, 2019
Oakland, CaliforniaThe purpose of the symposium is to provide training and orientation to the UC defense counsel in key areas such as employment practices, hospital professional liability, and general liability. All firms and attorneys added to the UC defense panel since 2013 are required to attend both days at either location. All other defense counsel must attend the second day, but are strongly encouraged to attend the full 2-day conference.
MCLE CEUs (hours to be determined) will be awarded.
- Welcome and Introductions (Kevin Confetti)
DRU Network Higher Education Climate Resiliency Roundtable
DRU Network Higher Education Climate Resiliency Roundtable
December 7, 2023
UC Office of the President, Oakland OfficeThe cross-sectional impacts of climate change demand collaboration across disciplines to develop comprehensive and effective climate resiliency strategies. Colleges and universities play an important role in their surrounding communities and can foster engagement efforts to chart a path of equitable climate action.
This DRU roundtable event is co-sponsored by the University of California and University of Oregon and will explore case studies and discussions focused on:
- A new Hazard Vulnerability Assessment (HVA) methodology that incorporates future climate hazard projections into a current HVA planning for campuses.
- Best practices related to whole community engagement and enterprise risk management in climate resiliency planning for campuses.
- How stakeholders can link, leverage, and align to develop a proactive and strategic approach to climate resiliency planning for campuses.
EH&S Professional
EH&S Professional
Copyright: 2017
The EH&S Professional Education program cross-trains UC EH&S staff and safety personnel to expand their knowledge and skills in a variety of EH&S programs applicable to the university setting. Taught by UC subject matter experts, this blended learning experience (consisting of online modules and an in-person workshop) offers an opportunity to earn three certifications:
1. EH&S Generalist
2. EH&S Professional
3. EH&S SpecialistIn addition to the three certifications, this program provides continuing education units (CEUs) for various professional accreditations.
Emergency Management Business Continuity Council Conference 2019
Emergency Management Business Continuity Council Conference 2019
October 7-9, 2019
University of California, RiversideWelcoming all Emergency Managers and Business Continuity Planners to a 3 day interactive conference,
where you will learn how to build relationships, provide mutual aid and engage in collaborative discussions.FREE Registration for all UC Staff | Register Now at bit.ly/UCEMconference2019
Emergency Management Business Continuity Council Conference 2022
Emergency Management Business Continuity Council Conference 2022
October 10-12, 2022
University of California, Santa CruzWelcoming all Emergency Managers and Business Continuity Planners to a 3 day interactive conference,
where you will learn how to build relationships, provide mutual aid and engage in collaborative discussions.FREE Registration for all UC Staff | Register Now
Emergency Management Business Continuity Council Conference 2023
Emergency Management Business Continuity Council Conference 2023
October 10-11, 2023
University of California, Santa BarbaraThis is a 2 day in-person interactive conference, where we we will connect through collaborative discussions, cohort breakout sessions, and informative speakers.
FREE Registration for all UC Staff | Register Now
Field Safety Workgroup in-person meeting 2018
Field Safety Workgroup in-person meeting 2018
February 28 - March 2, 2018
Sedgewick Reserve
The first annual Field Safety Workgroup In-Person Meeting was held at the Sedgewick Reserve. -
Fieldwork Toolkit webinar series 2020
Fieldwork Toolkit webinar series 2020
April 22, 2020 - June 3, 2020
Informative sessions from well respected subject matter experts in the University of California.
Engaging and informative sessions promoting safe teaching and research outdoors, at remote sites, and abroad.
For more information and resources, visit the UC Field Research Safety Center of Excellence website. -
Fieldwork Leadership webinar 2021
Fieldwork Leadership webinar 2021
March 3, 2021 - March 24, 2021
Improve your leadership and communication skills! This training series will feature timely, challenging topics lead by subject matter experts, presented online in workshop format with opportunities to discuss scenarios, practice skills, and plan for your specific field projects and settings.
For more information and resources, visit the UC Field Research Safety Center of Excellence website. -
Fieldwork Leadership retreat 2022
Fieldwork Leadership retreat 2022
February 25-27, 2022
The 2022 UC Field Safety Leadership Retreat will feature timely, challenging workshops with opportunities to discuss scenarios, practice skills, and plan for your specific field projects and settings. Attendees are expected to participate fully, contribute during small group activities, and report back lessons learned to their own groups/departments. It’s a unique setting to learn and collaborate with leaders from a variety of field disciplines from across the University of California.
For more information and resources, visit the UC Field Research Safety Center of Excellence website. -
Fieldwork Leadership webinar 2023
Fieldwork Leadership webinar 2023
May 2023
This training series will feature timely, challenging topics lead by subject matter experts, presented online in workshop format with opportunities to discuss scenarios, practice skills, and plan for your specific field projects and settings.
This event is sponsored by UCOP Risk Services, UCLA BSAS GAEL, the UC Field Research Safety Center of Excellence, and the UC Field Safety Workgroup. The content builds on the 2022 UC Fieldwork Leadership Retreat and webinars hosted in 2020 and 2021. Content is compiled and accessible to all via the UC Field Safety Leadership Training Library.
Learn more about UC's field safety resources at at UC Field Research Safety Center of Excellence or email fieldsafety@berkeley.edu with any questions.
Fieldwork Leadership retreat 2024
2024 UC Field Safety Leadership Retreat
March 8-10, 2024
UC Davis Bodega Marine LabThe 2024 UC Field Safety Leadership Retreat will feature timely, challenging workshops with opportunities to discuss scenarios, practice skills, and plan for field projects and settings. Attendees are expected to participate fully, contribute during small group activities, and report back lessons learned to their own groups/departments. It’s a unique setting to learn and collaborate with leaders from a variety of field disciplines from across the University of California.
Space is limited. Registration will open November 15, 2023. Featured speakers and activities will be posted by January 2024. This event is sponsored by UCOP Risk Services, UCLA BSAS GAEL, and the UC Field Safety Workgroup. The content will build on the 2020-2023 UC Fieldwork Toolkit Leadership Training Series. Content from past events is compiled in the UC Field Safety Leadership Training Library. Learn more about UC's field safety resources: UC Field Research Safety Center of Excellence.
Gene Synthesis Products & Equipment (AB 1963) Webinar
Gene Synthesis Products & Equipment (AB 1963) Webinar
Guidance on Purchasing Gene Synthesis Equipment or Products in Compliance with AB 1963
April 26, 2023
Learn more about Guidance Memo 23-02 (Guidance on Purchasing Gene Synthesis Equipment or Products). This webinar will provide an overview of AB 1963, how to comply with its requirements, and resources for compliance. The webinar applies to individuals in the research community who may be involved in purchasing gene synthesis equipment or products (e.g., researchers, lab managers, students, and procurement offices). For more information and resources, visit the Guidance on Purchasing Gene Synthesis Equipment or Products in Compliance with AB 1963 website.
L-240 Measurements for Laser Safety Course 2022
L-240 Measurements for Laser Safety Course
July 11-13, 2022
University of California, Santa CruzThis is a 3-day course in laser output measurements tailored to meet the specific needs of laser safety. The course will focus on workshop exercises that are designed to make maximum use of laser output measurement equipment in solving real-world laser measurement problems. The ANSI Z136.1 Standard For the Safe Use of Lasers and FDA/CDRH Laser Product Performance Standards and IEC 60825-1 and -2 and EN 60825-1 will be the basis of measurement requirements presented in the course.
Mental Health Best Practices Conference
Mental Health Best Practices Conference
June 20-21, 2019
Los Angeles, CAThe 2019 UC Mental Health Best Practices Conference - Mental Health at the Intersection of Culture & Technology, will bring together 300+ campus mental health professionals to share best practices, experience advanced training on emerging trends in student mental health, explore new technologies, and engage in self-care and wellness activities.
The 2-day conference included:
- Two dynamic keynote addresses and a closing plenary on the future of college mental health
- Training in cultural competencies for work with diverse students
- Best practices in integrating technology into clinical practices
- Hands on experience with new tech innovations that work as compliments to treatment
- Special training on emerging issues with graduate and professional students
- Critical dialogues on pressing social issues as they impact students entry into treatment
- Space for staff to process vicarious trauma, network, and engage in self-care activities
For more information, refer to the Mental Health at the Intersection of Culture & Technology conference page.
Patient Safety Work Product
Patient Safety Work Product
Length: 60 min Copyright: 2020
Patient Safety Work Product (PSWP) Privilege in the context of Patient Safety Organizations. Presentation by Michael Callahan, Katten Muchin Rosenman, LLP, during the Professional Medical Hospital Liability Program Panel Counsel Seminar. Filmed 12/20/19 at Oakland, CA.For more information, view the eLearning.
UC High Powered Rocketry Summit 2024
UC High Powered Rocketry Summit 2024
April 4-5, 2024
UC IrvineThe 2-day summit will be focused on student-led High Powered Rocketry Clubs. This event is sponsored by the University of California Office, Office of the President, Office of Risk Services (OPRS).
Note: This is an in-person event. Virtual Participation cannot be supported. Please only register if you will attend in-person.
Workgroup Meeting Day 2024
UC Program Workgroup Day 2024
Tuesday May 7, 2024
Location: TBDUC systemwide workgroups provide valuable guidance and support to the university’s various risk management programs. Workgroups include subject matter experts representing multiple disciplines, including risk managers, safety and health professionals, student affairs, IT, compliance, legal, facilities, and more. The Program Workgroup Meeting Day is held every other year, alternating with Risk Summit, to give systemwide workgroups an opportunity to meet in person. This event is sponsored by University of California event sponsored by University of California Office of the President (UCOP) Risk Services who provides meeting space and lunch, while each workgroup sets their own agenda and arranges their own meeting.
Funding for travel expenses (except for lunch) is the responsibility of each participant’s home location. This includes airfare, hotel, ground transportation, and incidents. Participants are responsible for making their own travel and lodging arrangements.
- Webinars